10 Podcasts For the Intellectual Mind.

Owen Kariuki Maina
6 min readJun 17, 2023
Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-holding-black-camera-6883804/

While I was coming up with this list during my drafting process, I stalled on what I would name this post.

I knew I wanted to publish a list of the podcasts that I had enjoyed for the past two years as an avid listener. I knew I wanted my readers to listen to what I do, and offer a snapshot of what I feed my mind. But I knew that preferences varied.

Also, I had no heading. I just did not want to vomit out a disorganized list and leave my readers with a mishmash of recommendations.

I settled for the category of intellectualism. Why?

These were essentially the phenomenal podcasts that challenged my thinking and behavior and presented me with opportunities for intellectual growth.

Some of these podcasts have an instructional structure to them and are comprehensive in their scope. Others adopt a laidback approach that is majorly conversational and expository.

My recommendations are decidedly based on my likes and would therefore apply to those with similar preferences. The categories they fall into include creativity, self-improvement, masculinity, culture (and counter-culture), entrepreneurship, and Christianity.

With each review comes a link to my favorite show episode and a subscription button. Share this with your network if interested in any of them and follow this account for more reviews and written content.


Genre: Christianity Publisher: Crossway Frequency: Weekly

Crossway is a non-profit ministry started in 1938 to publish gospel-centered content based on the Bible. Among the initiatives that Crossway has taken to carry out its global ministry are publishing the ESV Bibles, printed and digital books focused on proclaiming the gospel, and releasing content on their podcast.

This podcast is highly recommended to everyone who is willing to grow in the knowledge of Christ, understand the implications of the gospel in everyday life, and be informed on the truth of God’s Word in light of changing social dynamics.

Listen to one of my favorite episodes: We’re In a Strange New World. What Next?

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Genre: Society& Culture Publisher: Julia Gaitho Frequency: Bi-weekly

So This Is Love is a podcast show hosted by Kenyan digital content creator, Julia Gaitho. Her platform offers a safe space for vulnerability and accountability which are important in holding conversations about friendships and relationships.

Listening to the accounts of individuals sharing their bliss and woes, their actions and impact thereof, in their relationships gives one the privilege of an inside perspective. So This Is Love bears openly the human side of relational living and reminds the listener that love and life are strikingly interwoven, and the choices that are made have consequences, beautiful or horrid.

Listen to one of my favorite shows: Episode 4 — Wanjeri& The Bull

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Genre: Mental Health Publisher: SelfHealers Soundboard Frequency: Weekly

This podcast show tackles the sensitive and crucial topic of mental health and is a mainstay in my playlist. Hosted by Jenna Weakland and psychologist Nicole LePera, SelfHealers Soundboard show discusses the issues that affect us on an individual and communal level indiscriminately. While offering guidelines from their published workbooks, the duo take turns opening up about trauma, ego, self-talk, emotional regulation, relationship dynamics, and other critical life lessons. I highly recommend this show to anyone suffering from mental health disorders. (You are not alone)

Listen to one of my favorite episodes here: The Power of Living with Intention

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Genre: Comedy/Culture Publisher: The Sandwich Podcast Frequency: Consistent

Hosted by the Kenyan crew of George Nyamita, Owen Njuguna, Joan Melly and Tonio Kibz, the Sandwich Podcast is the confluence of raggedly funny content and brazen open-minded conversation on matters regarding their personal lives and the world around them. The show’s hosts have unmatched chemistry and it is evidently heard in their interaction, effortlessly reeling in the listener and retaining their attention expertly. Expect your funny bone to be tickled by this fast-growing podcast show based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Listen to my favorite episode here: Episode 111

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Genre: Culture and Society Publisher: Adelle Onyango Frequency: Weekly

Legally Clueless is a podcast show hosted by Kenyan media personality and social activist, Adelle Onyango. She generously provides access to the unfiltered and no-holds-barred stories of African men and women and gently reminds us of the common, unique thread upon which all humanity hangs: the real. This show openly dissects the lives of real people going through real issues — the good, bad, and ugly; from alcoholism, sexual abuse, depression, suicide, childhood trauma, and adulthood ennui alike, to the hopeful, the blissful, and the good.

Listen to my favorite episode: Episode 179- The Boundaries Episode

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Genre: Entrepreneurship Publisher: Ed Mylett Frequency: Weekly

The Ed Mylett Show is a podcast show that brings together successful achievers in their respective spheres of life and individuals who are ready to find aspiration, inspiration, and practical wisdom in their lives. Whether it is in the area of family, business, or society, Ed Mylett interviews guests who share the useful skills necessary for the listener’s benefit and advancement.

Listen to my favorite episode: The Lonely Road to Success

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Genre: Philosophy Publisher: The Art of Manliness Frequency: Consistent

The show banner will catch your eye, but the content will keep you there. Brett McKay hosts this show whose aim is “to deepen and improve every area of a man’s life”, as extracted from the podcast’s description on Apple Podcasts. However, the insights that I have gained from listening to a variety of guests on the show have not been restricted to the confines of men only. The female listener will also appreciate the engaging and edifying conversations of The Art of Manliness podcast.

Listen to one of my favorite episodes: Anxiety Is a Habit — Here’s How to Break It

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Genre: Masculinity Publisher: Ryan Michler Frequency: Consistent

“We are reclaiming what it means to be a man” — this is The Order of Man podcast’s mantra, and the host Ryan Michler stands by it zealously. The average male listener might be put off by the straight-shooter approach of the host only if he is unwilling, or not ready, to be a different kind of man. The Order of Man podcast delivers a changed description of masculinity, a masculinity that is based on truth, accountability, reason, and responsibility.

Listen to one of my favorite episodes: The George Foreman Episode

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Genre: Christianity Publisher: Ligonier Ministries Frequency: Daily

Filled with devotional messages based on the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, Things Unseen is a weekday podcast offering thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and a relationship with God. Each week there is a new theme to delve into and an opportunity to receive deeper understanding and spiritual renewal. Narrated by Sinclair B. Ferguson in short five-minute recordings, the show is highly recommended for all who are interested in a personal relationship with God in Christ Jesus.

Listen to one of my favorite episodes: The Central Promise of Scripture

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Genre: Self-help Publisher: Bedros Keuilian Frequency: Consistent

This podcast show is the kick-in-the-ass type that is unapologetically unfiltered and raw, and hosted by American entrepreneur Bedros Keuilian. While self-help content can be burdensome and unrealistic, this show spins this narrative on its head. Bedros has the unique ability to motivate, counsel, correct, and even rebuke gruffly, obviously with the good intention of inspiring.

Listen to one of my favorite episodes: 17 Lessons for Young Men

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I hope you enjoyed the recommendations and that you will be introduced to new, fresher perspectives that will motivate you to grow intellectually in a safe, enabling space.



Owen Kariuki Maina

My name is Owen Kariuki and welcome to my Medium corner. Writer based in Nairobi, Kenya| Book Enthusiast and Published by Lee's Press| Dog Lover